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SCAA,全稱 —— Specialty Coffee Association ofAmerica,中文譯名“美國精品咖啡協會”。 SCAA是世界上最大的咖啡貿易協會,是一個專注於優質咖啡的貿易組織。 SCAA成立於1982年,會員公司三千多個,遍布世界40多個國家,涵蓋咖啡行業各個領域,包括咖啡種植商、咖啡烘焙商、咖啡設備製造商、及各類咖啡貿易商。

SCAA下設兩個分 會:咖啡師公會(Barista Guild of America) 和烘焙師公會(Roasters Guild),均由專業咖啡從業人士組成,成員間通過信息交流、技能培訓和合作,以提升行業咖啡品質。同時咖啡質量協會(CQI)是SCAA的公益信託機 構,是咖啡行業最大的咖啡培訓和技術幫助提供機構。(from百度)

SCAA Official


咖啡基礎 SCAA Foundations of Coffee
‧ CB100 Seed to Cup 種子到咖啡
‧ CP151 Brewing and Extraction Principles 沖煮與萃取基本原理
‧ CP152 Brewing and Extraction Principles Applied 沖煮實作練習
‧ GE103 Orientation to SCAA Cupping SCAA 杯測簡介
‧ CP103 Customer Service Essentials 客戶服務
‧ Performance Checklists submitted after class 課後提交成果檢查表

咖啡金杯萃取認證 SCAA Golden Cup Technician 
‧ Foundations of Coffee 咖啡基礎
‧ CP158 Golden Cup Brewing 金杯沖煮
‧ CP255 Brewing Approaches and Variations 沖煮方式及變因
‧ EXM_GW1 Written Exam 筆試
‧ EXM_ GP1 Practical Exam 實作測驗

義式咖啡大師1級認證 SCAA-BGA- Level 1 
‧ Foundations of Coffee 咖啡基礎
‧ CP101 Essentials of Espresso 義式咖啡要點
‧ CP102 Essentials of Milk Steaming 牛奶蒸煮要點
‧ Written Exam 筆試
‧ Practical Exam 實作測驗

義式咖啡大師2級認證 SCAA-BGA- Level 2
‧ Barista Level 1 Certificate 須通過義式咖啡一級認證
‧ CP201 Grind, Dose, Tamp, Extract 研磨、配量、填壓、萃取
‧ CP202 Espresso Bar Efficiency & Workflow 義式咖啡吧台的效率與流程
‧ CP203 Milk Essentials & Latte Art Practice 牛奶要點及拉花藝術練習

‧ CP204 Espresso Machine Preventative Maintenance 義式咖啡機的預防保養
‧ EXM-BW2 Written Exam 筆試
‧ EXM-BP2 Practical Exam 實作測驗

咖啡烘焙大師1級認證 SCAA-RGA- Level 1
‧ Foundations of Coffee 咖啡基礎
‧ CB200 Mill to Roaster: Green Coffee Price & Contract Impacts 處理廠到烘焙廠:咖啡生豆價格與合約影響
‧ CB205 Green Coffee Buying Essentials 咖啡生豆購買相關知識
‧ GE151 Green Coffee Grading 生豆分級
‧ RP110 Basic Roasting Equipment & Operation 基礎烘焙設備和操作
‧ RP112 Introduction to Roasting Concepts 烘焙概念介紹
‧ RP120 Profile Roasting Practices 曲線烘焙練習
‧ RP104 Decaffeination 低咖啡因處理
‧ RP208 Roaster Plant Safety Essentials 烘焙間安全要點
‧ RP223 Sample Roasting 樣品烘焙
‧ EXM_RW1 Written Exam 筆試

咖啡烘焙大師2級認證 SCAA-RGA- Level 2
‧ CP101 Espresso and Milk Steaming Fundamentals part1 義式咖啡與牛奶蒸煮1
‧ CP102 Espresso and Milk Steaming Fundamentals part1 義式咖啡與牛奶蒸煮2
‧ GE200 Introduction to Sensory Analysis 感官分析介紹
‧ GE201 SCAA Cupping Form and Peer Calibration 杯測表格及校正(Q grader不需要)
‧ GE204 Defect Cupping 瑕疵風味杯測
‧ GE206 Grinding and Grind Analysis 研磨與研磨分析
‧ GE304 Taste Testing for Production 產品品嘗測試
‧ GE353 Coffee Tasters Flavor Wheel 咖啡杯測師風味輪
‧ RP206 Coffee Farming:Digging Deeper than Seed to cup  咖啡種植:比種子到咖啡更深入探討
‧ RP207 Coffee Processing Methods 咖啡處理方式
‧ RP216 Identifying Roast Defects 辨別烘焙缺陷
‧ RP218 Heat and the Roasting Machine 熱能與烘焙機
‧ RP225 Espresso Roasting 義式咖啡烘焙
‧ RP237 Coffee Packaging Fundamentals 咖啡包裝基礎
‧ RP324 Air Quality and the Roaster 烘焙空氣品質與烘豆機
‧ EXM-RW2 Roaster Level 2 Written Exam烘焙二級筆試

咖啡交易一級認證SCAA Coffee Buyer Certificate Level 1 
‧ Foundations of Coffee 咖啡基礎
‧ CB200 Mill to Roaster: Green Coffee Price & Contract Impacts 
‧ CB205 Green Coffee Buying Essentials 生豆採購要點
‧ CB206 Green Coffee Market Dynamics Explained 綠色咖啡市場動態解析
‧ CB230 Production and Inventory Control Practices 生產和庫存控制
‧ CB236 Buying on Green Coffee Market Principles 在生豆市場的購買原則
‧ CB237 Green Coffee Purchasing Strategies 生豆採購策略
‧ EXM-CBW1 Written Exam 筆試

咖啡品嚐師認證SCAA Coffee Taster CertificateLevel 1 
‧ Non-Q-Grader Track 未取得Q grader 咖啡品質鑑定師
 Foundations of Coffee – 咖啡基礎(CB100,CP151,CP152,GE103,CP103)
 GE200 Introduction to Sensory Analysis 感官分析介紹
 GE151 Green Coffee Grading 生豆分級
 GE154 Sensory Skills Test Preparation 味覺測驗(喝水)
 GE204 Defect Cupping 瑕疵風味杯測
 GE153 Le Nez du Cafe 咖啡香瓶
 GE255 Organic Acids and the Chemistry of Coffee 有機酸及咖啡的化學
 GE303 Triangulation Cupping 三角杯測
 GE201 The SCAA Cupping Form and Peer Calibration 杯測表格及校正
 Comparative Cupping: 進階杯測
 GE202 World Regions 世界各地產區
 GE203 African Coffees 非洲咖啡
 GE205 Central and South American Coffees 中美洲與南美洲咖啡
 GE154 Sensory Skills 感官技巧
 Written Exam 筆試
 Calibration Final 最終校正








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